Friday, April 11, 2008

Not Quite Ready Togo

Well, I'm not - it's true. I realized I have 8 weeks left to get ready. Sounds like a long time. Feels like a short time. And an eternity, if that makes any sense at all. Nevertheless, I am excited today because I found out we have a new team member - another guy. I told him he was an answer to prayers because until today we only had one guy coming and I didn't want him to have to spend two whole months without any other man to befriend. Not that spending a summer with 5 beautiful women isn't a huge blessing - but there's a lot to be said for male bonding, right? I'm also really excited because my team has been in touch a lot today - and it's just great to hear from them and get some encouragement and give some encouragement. So overall, a good day. I'm not quite ready Togo, but I'm getting there. I know it's gonna happen is 8 weeks and counting. Amazing! Keep lifting me up, will ya? Many thanks!



Saturday, April 5, 2008

Traveling Skirts and Typhoid

I am so excited this week because I have inherited a traveling skirt! It's been to Africa several times already and a dear friend of mine has lent it to me to take it back to Africa this summer! It was so funny, we had a great time last night looking at pictures of all the places this lovely skirt has been and all the people who have worn it. I'm honored and blessed to have the chance to give this skirt an opportunity to continue its travels.

In other news, I've been invited to help with some logistics and facilitating team time over the summer, so I get to go up to Chicago a few days early for some additional training. I'm excited! I've heard that the college our orientation is at is incredible and that they have an amazing library and a really awesome museum. I can't wait!!!! Oh my gosh, I can't wait. It's starting to hit home that I'm actually going - I'm actually going to be in Chicago and then heading to Togo and staying there. For 2 months. Wow. I'm nervous - I hear the middle part of the trip is the hardest because that's when the novelty fades and the homesickness sets in. I've also heard that just as you begin to accept that you're staying the trip comes to an end all too soon. Right now I think the beginning of the trip can't come soon enough.

I'm avoiding the Typhoid vaccine that's in my refrigerator (it's an oral vaccine that I have to take every other day for a week). I think I'm going to start taking it tomorrow. I'm also waiting to hear back from the health center so I can get my yellow fever shot. Eew! I have to call my doctor too and see if I can get a meningitis shot from him. And my polio shot too.

Lovely, isn't it? I'm starting to realize just how much preparation is left to be done before I can actually leave. Merciful heavens. I don't even know how to do half the stuff I need to. Like getting a hold of travelers checks. Or finding out what kind of outlets they use in Togo. I think I'm just going to be asking a lot of questions and sending up a lot of requests to our Father. I think that's not a bad way to prepare though.

Support is coming in steadily right now. Gotta start follow up calls soon. Send up some love to the big guy upstairs if you will. Many thanks. Grace and peace.
