Friday, April 11, 2008

Not Quite Ready Togo

Well, I'm not - it's true. I realized I have 8 weeks left to get ready. Sounds like a long time. Feels like a short time. And an eternity, if that makes any sense at all. Nevertheless, I am excited today because I found out we have a new team member - another guy. I told him he was an answer to prayers because until today we only had one guy coming and I didn't want him to have to spend two whole months without any other man to befriend. Not that spending a summer with 5 beautiful women isn't a huge blessing - but there's a lot to be said for male bonding, right? I'm also really excited because my team has been in touch a lot today - and it's just great to hear from them and get some encouragement and give some encouragement. So overall, a good day. I'm not quite ready Togo, but I'm getting there. I know it's gonna happen is 8 weeks and counting. Amazing! Keep lifting me up, will ya? Many thanks!



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